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New opening Eisenbahnstraße 1st quarter 2024 | Secure 4 weeks opening promotion now: To the offer

Coworking in Fürstenwalde

Our centrally located coworking space offers an ideal working environment for freelancers, commuters and start-ups. Find the perfect place with us and become part of our lively community!

Team offices in Fürstenwalde

With our team offices and short contract terms, we guarantee you maximum flexibility. Whether for a few weeks or several months – you’ll find the right job with us. Come by and see for yourself what we have to offer!

Events in Fürstenwalde

Our events offer the perfect opportunity to experience interesting events and innovative workshops, make valuable contacts and share knowledge. We look forward to welcoming you to our next events!

Accelerator Program

Our Accelerator gives founders and start-ups in the early stages access to experienced mentors and competent network partners who will help you refine your business idea and get it ready for the market through coaching, advice, financial support and the provision of the necessary infrastructure. Just talk to us!

For me, founding is comparable to planting trees. It needs a healthy environment with nutritious soil, fresh air and regular care in order to thrive. Nothing can grow without these foundations.

Laura de Amorim, Managing Director

Stay up-to-date register now and don’t miss a thing!

Don’t miss out on events, workshops and networking opportunities in our vibrant SpreeHub community and make sure you have a direct line to all the latest news!

Get started with your start-up at SpreeHub now

From the idea to implementation – the start-up portal offers you valuable resources, tips and guidelines to help you turn your dream of owning your own company into reality. Discover the best tools and articles for start-ups now!


Ready to reach the next level? Our Accelerator offers you not only financial support, but also mentoring, network access and valuable feedback. Apply now and accelerate your path to success.


The SpreeHub initiates and shapes the digital future of the Oder-Spree region as a central hub with comprehensive expertise from its network of experts in the fields of business start-ups, innovation and digitalization in four areas:


Modern and innovative coworking space with flexible workspace concepts and fast Wi-Fi for freelancers and commuters in a lively community at a central location in Feldstraße and from 02.01.24 also in Eisenbahnstraße in Fürstenwalde.

Team offices

Fully furnished and
Representative team offices in various sizes and with short contract terms for start-ups, founders and companies with all-round service and access to the professional SpreeHub ecosystem.


Attractive event location with a comprehensive event program, suitable seminars and inspiring workshops on the topics of innovation, company formation, start-ups and entrepreneurship for mutual knowledge transfer and networking.


Promotion and support of
Start-ups and start-up teams with various accelerator programs in the early stages of company development through consulting, coaching, mentoring, financial support and the provision of the necessary infrastructure.

Feldstraße 34


Eisenbahnstraße 126


New opening 1st quarter 2024

I am totally thrilled with my coworking space spreehub! I can work here in peace and quiet when the ceiling falls on my head and I have to leave home. But the best thing is the great people I’ve met here! It’s so easy to make new contacts and exchange ideas. Whether you are a freelancer, start-up founder or simply someone who likes to work with people – there is something for everyone at spreehub. I can only warmly recommend the coworking space!
Fabian Willi Simon

tafka GmbH

I meet like-minded people at SpreeHub, the conversations are pleasant and I feel comfortable here. The app allows me to get to the office at any time. That suits me very well because I also like to start work early.

Bao Dat Diep

I’ve been well received here in the community and enjoy going to SpreeHub. Family compatibility is a big issue for me. At SpreeHub I can concentrate on my work, save myself the commute and work close to my children. So I can really live a work-life balance.

Anni Drescher

Funded by the European Union and the State of Brandenburg

The SpreeHub is funded by the European Union and the state of Brandenburg as part of the “Brandenburg Innovation Forces 2022” funding program.

With the “Brandenburger Innovationskräfte 2022” funding program, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy supports the implementation of innovative measures via the ILB, for which special innovation specialists are to be deployed.

Frequently asked questions

In our FAQs you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our offers and services. From questions about booking to the equipment of our workstations – we have summarized the most important information for you. If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

What is a coworking space?

A coworking space is a shared workspace used by various professionals, such as freelancers, start-ups, small businesses and commuters. Established companies also use coworking spaces for project work and for working on new ideas. Coworking spaces offer various work areas such as desks, meeting rooms, Wi-Fi and other amenities.

What are the advantages of a coworking space?

Coworking spaces offer many advantages, such as a professional working environment, flexible working hours, networking opportunities and lower operating costs compared to a traditional office. You also benefit from an inspiring sense of community, because working “together” with others from our coworking community is often more productive than working alone in your home office.

What kind of jobs are there at SpreeHub?

Unser Coworking Space bietet für jeden etwas: egal ob Startup, Freelancer oder Kreativer, bei uns findest Du den perfekten Arbeitsplatz zu überschaubaren Preisen und die Möglichkeit, Deinen Arbeitsalltag individuell zu gestalten. Wir bieten Membership Tarife für maximale Flexibilität, feste Schreibtische oder Team-Offices an. Profitiere bei uns von einer ruhigen Arbeitsumgebung, niedrigeren Mietkosten im Vergleich zu städtischen Gebieten und einer verbesserten Work-Life-Balance.

Is there a taster day where I can try out the SpreeHub?

Well-being is at the forefront of coworking, because you can only work productively in a pleasant atmosphere. We want you to feel at home with us and therefore offer you the opportunity to try out our coworking space for a day, free of charge and without obligation. This way you can get an impression of our working environment and find out whether it is the right place for you.

What are the notice periods at SpreeHub?

In our coworking space, we offer you maximum flexibility in terms of contract terms. So you don’t have to worry about being tied down for the long term. Whether you want to work with us for a day, a week, a month or longer, we have the right offer for you. Depending on our capacity, you can even decide very spontaneously whether you would like to work with us without having to plan well in advance.

How do I get access to the SpreeHub?

The Tapkey app gives you easy access to our coworking space at any time. This means you are completely independent of our official opening hours.

What are the advantages of renting a virtual office?

A virtual office offers many advantages for the self-employed and small businesses. By renting a Virtual Office, you get a professional business address and can also use it as your company headquarters. This creates trust and reliability among customers and business partners. You also separate professional and private matters. Another advantage is the flexibility of the contract terms, which allows you to decide on a virtual office spontaneously and without long commitments.

If I rent a virtual office, can I use my business address for entry in the commercial register?

Bei Buchung eines Virtual Office Pakets, unabhängig davon, ob Du Dich für den Basic, Pro oder Premium Digital Tarif entscheidest, ist es möglich, die Adresse des Coworking Spaces als Firmensitz zu nutzen und diese in das Handelsregister eintragen zu lassen, unabhängig von der Rechtsform des Unternehmens wie GbR, OHG, UG, GmbH, gGmbH, GmbH & Co. KG, AG oder SE. Auch Freelancer können diese Möglichkeit nutzen.

What is the objective of the SpreeHub Accelerator program?

Aktuell arbeiten wir unter Hochdruck daran, ein interessantes Accelerator-Programm für Brandenburg zu entwickeln. Unser Ziel ist es, ein mehrmonatiges Förderprogramm für Start-ups anzubieten, das Finanzspritzen, Büroräume, Mentorings und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen umfasst. Dadurch sollen Gründer gezielt bei dem Feinschliff ihres Geschäftsmodells und der Umsetzung unterstützt werden, um ihre Marktposition zu stärken und Wachstum zu generieren. Unsere Vision ist es, Start-ups mit hohem Marktpotential zur Marktreife zu führen und so zur Stärkung der regionalen Wirtschaft beizutragen.